“Every day, in a 100 small ways, our children ask, ‘Do you hear me? Do you see me? Do I matter?’ Their behavior often reflects our response.” ~ L.R. Knost
Are you stressed out at work? Are you worried about your child's behavior? Do not worry we are conducting 1 evening parenting session on Successful Child Development. In which 
we will discuss about: How to manage your child's behavior and bring out the best in them, How brain development affects your child's overall development, How to be a better parent and banish your guilt. Here are details of this parenting session:
One Evening parenting session on:
"Essential Steps of Child Development". 
Learn about child behavior, parenting styles, relationships and socialising, cognitive development, counselling & more. Webinar will be hosted on Zoom.  Joining links will be share via WhatsApp. 
*There is no hidden charges or any registration fees of this webinar anyone can join it is free. 
Child development webinar


Child development webinar
