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What's your Christmas beat?

3D Motion
After Effects
Your Christmas beat

All people have their own relationship with the festive season. They love it, hate it or don’t care about it. Some are busy as bees and for others it’s the most wonderful time of the year. One thing is for sure though - holidays touch everyone’s heart. All emotions can be expressed in a rhythm that goes along with you all holiday season. So how do you find your unique beat?
We created a personality test where people answer the questions about the holiday season and find their Christmas beat. At the beginning our main character warms up and shows only single body movements. After completing the test each result reveals a person’s holidays beat and unique dance performance.
For each dance we created special choreography and used Rokoko suit along with motion capture technology and realistic cloth simulations. To make our moustached character look fun and authentic we modeled playful facial expressions.
It’s a project that was directed, designed, animated, danced and sung by us. At the same time we worked as a team of art and creative directors, copywriters, graphic and 3D designers, music producer. The biggest challenge was implementing real human motion in a 3D animated character with realistic clothing and show him dancing in our art-directed scenes. In other words we brought to life a character that has stylised body design with natural human movements.
In the final result we show 6 original dance styles made with different BPM and real beatbox sounds so each person has their one’s own beat and soundtrack. People can also listen to a personalised Spotify playlist and dance to their beat.
Find your Christmas beat HERE
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What's your Christmas beat?

What's your Christmas beat?
