Darius' Designs
Plaid Fabric
This here is my first creation in photoshop, my Plaid Fabric design. For this I mainly used the rectangle tool and copied and pasted a bunch of them all over. Then took that smaller project and blasted that to a larger canvas size.
Invisible Mannequin 1/3
This design is an invisible mannequin design that displays a shirt without a model or body. For this I used the marquee tool and selected the shirt then inverted my selection to get the background. After I deleted the background I added the back to show the inside tag. It's a little rough around the edges but aren't we all. ; )
Invisible Mannequin 2/3
Another invisible mannequin design, this time in purple. I used the same tools as the first but "painted" on the color with the paintbrush on low opacity. I like the purple here it really pops!
Invisible Mannequin 3/3
This invisible mannequin design is probably my favorite of the three because this orange is such a nice color. It's bright but also very cool. I've always loved the pop of safety orange and here it looks really good.
Tech Flats
This one looks simple but was actually pretty tricky. I used the pen tool to get the shapes I wanted then connected all the anchor points. I like how these turned out but they could use some type of design or variation. 
Tech Flats Back
This is just the back side of the polo above. Like I mentioned before looks good could've used some type of color.
Croquis 1/3
This here is my first croquis design, I used the pen tool again to trace around her dress then make a shape and color each specific shape in to match how the original image looked. 
Croquis 2/3
For this croquis I kept the same shape dress as the original but changed the color and added eyes looking in all directions. I chose to make the eyes purple just so they matched well with the bright pink. 
Croquis 3/3
For the third and final croquis I made a Fendi pattern dress. To accomplish this I used a clipping mask to mask over the original dress shape. This came out great looks like she's really wearing a dress with the all over Fendi print.
Denim Pocket
This is an embroidery design made in illustrator. For this I created a custom brush stroke composed of multiple tiny little V's. If you look closely you may be able to make out the V's. But to get the double stitched look I duplicated the pocket shape and put it close to the other. For the D in the middle I used a regular brush stroke to make a straight stitch logo in the middle of the pocket.
This graph was apart of a very complicated process but it turned out well. I first made a pivot table then converted those numbers to a graph in illustrator. Then I turned the graph into a 3D shape and separated the individual pieces of the pie into their own layers and highlighted the information I needed.
Kapra Logo
This is the Kapra brand logo. Pictured is an Angora goat, this goat is known to have the iconic fur that is cut and turned into the incredibly soft mohair fabric. The name Kapra comes from the goats full scientific name which is Capra aegagrus hircus. We chose to put a K at the beginning since our founders middle name starts with a K and frankly it looks cooler. 
Alternate Kapra Logo
I wasn't too fond of the circular logo so I created an alternate that would serve as our main logo on websites and things of that nature. The Angora can be our symbol of our brand. For example, our Nike Swoosh.
Darius' Designs

Darius' Designs
