Kandariya Mahadeva Temple - meaning "the Great God of the Cave", is the largest and most ornate hindu temple ( 31 meters (102 ft) in height ).The temple is founded on a massive plinth of 4 meters (13 ft) height. The main temple tower with 84 mini spires.
This is "largest and grandest temple of Khajuraho" & the one can imagine scale from the man standing on the stairs.

Khajuraho Group of Monuments are UNESCO World Heritage Site. The temples are famous for their nagara-style architectural symbolism and their erotic sculptures.

They are built between 885 AD and 1050 AD by the Chandela  dynasty and on the right side you see - the emblem or the symbol — a man fighting a lion. 
The beautiful architecture with of the Kandariya Mahadeva temple. It is so mighty and splendid to stand in front of it and look up.
Varaha - monolithic image of Varaha, the boar incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Pillers inside the temple
Around the walls of each temple are usually the prominent idols of the guardians of directions, or ten incarnations of Vishnu, or a male God and a female incarnation of them, or the seven mother of Goddesses, or a similar pattern.
Chandela  dynasty emblem or the symbol — a man fighting a lion
Sunset over Kandariya Mahadeva Temple
Dancing Ganesha idol -  see how realistic the wobbling tummy is carved
Carvings of these beautiful women in various activities. They seem so life like and beautiful and every minute detail has been given importance to.
These graceful nymphs portray human emotions. You seem them dancing, painting, holding a mirror,  scratching their backs or just undressing.

See multiple such carving below
There seems to be different interpretations regarding the erotic sculptures of Khajuraho:
1)  The carvings of mithunas  are symbols of  “good luck” along with several sculptures that showcase mythical creatures
2) They served as a form of sex education, by rekindling passions in the ascetic minds of people, who were probably influenced by Buddhism.
3) The moon always evokes romance and it is little wonder then that the descendants of the celestial moon god would build monuments that stand for love. The story goes that a beautiful woman called Hemavathy was bathing in the dark under moonlight, when she was seduced by the moon himself . She ran into the forests for refuge and raised her son, Chandravarman alone .The moon however promised her that their son would one day rule over a kingdom. True to his word, Chandravarman grew up to establish the Chandela dynasty . It is believed that he was influenced by his mother’s story and so he built temples with sculptures depicting human passions and probably, the futility of the same.
4) there is this belief centred around the tantric cult that explains that the sculptures are metaphors and are actually a form of language, a form of educating the various doctrines of the cult through symbols and imagery
The Mithunas or the couples in love are only portrayed on the outside walls of the shrines I have seen few inside as well.

Check various poses and forms below and believe me, few really have story (as per our guide) with it- which I will try to document.
Left - Man going on war and woman trying to stop him
Middle - Woman is angree and man is trying to pursue her
Right - & they start kissing 
See woman's cloths and ornaments & how voluptuous they are 
See the style of purse which this man is holding..Flip cover - 
Don't just look at different positions but have a look at bed/sofa & it seems they are also making viagra type medicines
men away at war having unnatural sex with a horse. Since it is unacceptable, the person behind the horse is hiding his face in shame.
Art historians believe that the architects and artisans who built Khajuraho had the constant benefit of guidance and supervision by the acharyas or the royal preceptors who told them what to portray and where to place each image. This shows an acharya instructing a band of seated artisans and disciples while being attended upon by devadasis or court dancers.
There are depictions of the king having a foursome
Stages of Love Making
First from bottom - the couple is involved in foreplay, and the colour of the stone is lighter. The middle is where it is intense, and a dark reddish colour is used to show the fierceness.
The top one is a relaxed state after making love and hence almost a yellowish shade used. Also, notice how the differences are indicated with the leg posture.

I have captured each stage in different picture (with whatever zoon in, I can do)
First - the couple is involved in foreplay, and the colour of the stone is lighter.
Here it is intense, and a dark reddish colour is used to show the fierceness.
This one is a relaxed state after making love and hence almost a yellowish shade used.
The famous sculpture - mostly it's printed on various books
woman taking off her man's clothes
Woman seducing her man..
As per guide, this is 3D - see the man's legs - which is away from the wall
The scorpion on lady's leg as an indication of sexinesss on Lakshamana Temple.

The scorpion here is a metaphor for lust and also a pun on Khajuraho as the Sanskrit word for it is Kharjura. The original name for the village was Kharjuravahaka, meaning the scorpion bearer.

The use of a scorpion on the thigh of a disrobing apsara points to the name of the place Khajuraho also - the Sanskrit word for scorpion being kharjura," At the same time the scorpion also signified poisonous lust."

Also, see how her pubic hair is shaved and the marking is clearly seen (Such amazing detailing)
Wondering why this is called French kiss? This is approximately 1000 years old ( in Indian Temple )
Light and Shadow - all these pillars are inside temple
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