Toren Reavess profil

The Charles Douglas Award '21 x KESA

I didn't know it at the time, but when I started KESA in 2020, it was the first (and still is the only) Black-Owned & Operated digital marketing agency in my hometown, Rochester, NY. 

With zero background in photography, I produced my first commercial photoshoot with my smartphone and Lightroom on mobile. In the time since, KESA has taken off at a rate few likely saw coming.  To celebrate my first year in business, I decided it was time to make good on and idea I had had for years; The Charles Douglas Award.

I wasn't able to afford an interview suit until I was in my late 20s, and the experience of eventually purchasing my first was less than positive. I was incredibly insecure that what I had wasn't good enough or fit properly. It's my goal to prevent as many people as possible from ever feeling that way when they walk into an interview.

The Charles Douglas Award gifts bespoke interview suits, from world-renown clothier, Adrian Jules, to local BIPOC students. In addition to the new suit, professional development, networking, interview coaching, resume building, and a complete LinkedIn overhaul (including headshot photography) will also be awarded. 

This year, I was only able to afford one suit, but it is my pledge to grow the number of recipients year-over-year for however long I'm fortunate to keep the lights on at KESA.

Spotlighting and developing local BIPOC talent is at the heart of what KESA stands for. I am committed to do whatever it takes to be a resource for anyone looking to build a fulfilling career, regardless of their circumstances.

For now, THIS is this year's recipient... 
The Charles Douglas Award '21 x KESA


The Charles Douglas Award '21 x KESA



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