Box Packaging for Made in Armenia Program


The foundation of a strong nation is its sustainable economy, which, in turn, is based upon local production. To raise awareness about the significance of consuming local production, the Ministry of Economy of RA started the "Made in Armenia" program. The goal of the campaign was, on the one hand, to disclose the potential of local producers and promote Armenian production and, on the other hand, to guide the customers to prefer products made in Armenia.

Taking over the marketing campaign, MAROG came up with the creative concept, which served as a fundament not only for the campaign communications and messaging but also the surprise box full of Armenian products, funny stickers, and a letter to the reader. The box receivers - thought leaders, influencers, and vloggers of Armenia, would then unbox the packaging and discover its value. 

The idea behind the box packaging design was to manifest the soul and spirit of Armenia through sketched Tamanyan design balconies. Looking for inspiration on the atmospheric streets of Yerevan, we drew the balcony sketches and developed the typeface for the box messaging, all of which resulted in a happiness box for each Armenian who understands the importance of consuming and promoting national production.

Client: Ministry of Economy of RA
Creative Direction: Magda Markosyan
Graphic Design: Toma Movsisyan
Illustrations: Anush Arshakuni
Typography: Lianna Harutyunyan
Copywriting: Mariam Kirakosyan
Photography: Andranik Israyelyan

Box Packaging for Made in Armenia Program

Box Packaging for Made in Armenia Program

The goal of the campaign was to disclose the potential of local producers and promote Armenian production and, on the other hand, to guide the cu Se mer
