Desert Botanical Garden Poster 
Project Background
Our objective was to visit an interesting place in Arizona and make a poster advertising that location. I chose the Desert Botanical Garden. 

When I got to the garden it was raining so I was not able to sit and sketch. I took pictures of all the beautiful plants I saw and sketched my thumbnails when I got home. I practiced different ways of drawing the various plants I saw while also including the information needed. As I worked I tried to include the design principles such as, asymmetrical balance, movement and the golden mean. 
Final Poster 
I used grey Tombow brush pens and a pen to create my final poster. The two boxes looked overwhelming because of the concentration of plants towards the middle of the page. I made a last minute change by taking the bottom box off. Doing this brought the poster further towards my goal, leaving it less claustrophobic. This is successful because it satisfies the goal of looking calm and inviting to students at my school.
Desert Botanical Garden Poster
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Desert Botanical Garden Poster

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