Latin and Cyrillic versions of my poster design for the play Alice in Fearland for JDP-Yugoslav Drama Theater in Belgrade, Serbia.

The play Alice in Fearland of was inspired by episodes from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. When she was a girl, Alice believed that six impossible things may happen before breakfast. Now, she is a big girl in her thirties. She is supposed to have a career, a family. She should have become successful, stable and grown-up. What she does have is a new therapist and together they travel around her head. When she was a girl, there were wonders all around her – caterpillars smoking hookahs, talking cards, grinning cats, tea and cakes, hysterical birds. This was a world where new excitements awaited at every step, a world of possibilities for endless wonders. Now, it is a land full of doubts and fears. And yet, there is still a chance of a miracle…
Alice in Fearland

Alice in Fearland
