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PSA Campaign Posters

PSA Campaign Posters

Neda a nonprofit organization, hired me to develop a three-piece print campaign in conjunction to The Ad Council. I created a poster campaign that a piece communicates the concept of loving your body clearly and catches the attention of my audience. I used this campaign to bring to the light the struggles of eating disorders and how you should love your body. I focused on eating disorders and how people need to have a positive body image. My targeted audience was for people of all genders who may struggle with eating disorders and negative body images. These posters could also inform family members of those struggling. 
Love Your Body the Way it is
In each of the poster, I used a different tagline but included the same call to action. The tagline for poster one is "Love Your Body the Way it is" because a lot of people who have a negative body image and low self esteem develop severe eating disorders that can ruin their life. Everyone has a different body type and no one type of body is the ideal body. A person needs to love their body as the way it is and appreciate all the amazing things it does for for us. Social media plays a huge role in creating a negative body image because photoshop and editing are heavily used on images. Everyone could be affected by eating disorders and there is always help to overcome it. 
Don't Let Your Mind Bully Your Body
For the second poster, I decided the tagline "Don't Let Your Mind Bully Your Body" went along with loving your body the way it is. A lot of people suffer from negative thoughts about their bodies. Your mind can affect the way you feel about yourself and your body. When a person works on a positive body image they will be more loving towards themselves and will not have the negative thoughts that can lead to a terrible eating disorder. Eating disorders can be deadly so that is why it is important to get help if you are struggling. 
Your Worth is Not Your Weight
For the final poster, I decided that the tagline "Your Worth is Not Your Weight" would add on to the other two taglines. A lot of people are hyper focused on their weight and trying to lose weight. The base their whole worth around their weight and how they look. A person's worth is not found in their weight but it is their mind and heart. A lot of people who suffer from eating disorders loose an unhealthy amount of weight. Anyone can be affected and that is why it is important to look out for friends, family, and yourselves. Eating disorders are dangerous and lead to a lot of unhappiness. Recovery is possible.
PSA Campaign Posters


PSA Campaign Posters
