Rocket & Winks profil

Ensemble Resonanz. Spielzeit 2020/21.

Completely original thought at this point: It was not a good year for live music. And chamber orchestras such as Ensemble Resonanz, which per se are resonating from within, have a really hard time. Just imagine the creativity and playfulness silently boiling over months and months… phew. But now we’re back on fiddling with a proof, here come the lame puns and steep Rocket & Wink designs for the new season 20/21! Steep is to be taken literally, just look at the way the typo is hanging there, as if everything is tilting and hanging by a thread.... oh, enough now! Enjoy the music!
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Ensemble Resonanz. Spielzeit 2020/21.


Ensemble Resonanz. Spielzeit 2020/21.
