Untold Story.
Each image has its own message, which cannot be described in words. Photographs may be used to extract a truth that cannot be communicated in any other manner. Various people's ways of expressing themselves and sharing their tales. They have no idea what we're up against, how we deal with it, what happens when we solve it, or what people think of us. Some people can accept it, while others cannot. They acted as though they did it on purpose and were unconcerned about others.

We can tell who is constantly with us and who separates himself from us. The way they treat us, the way they gesture. Some people take bets, while others are truthful. We are fortunate to have someone who is constantly with us; love and properly care for what we have today; what we have now may not endure long. Maybe they'll leave us one by one tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year. 

We won't be able to satisfy people, fulfil their needs, comprehend them, or even get them to stop talking before saying something nasty. This is a world where life is cruelly treated. In conclusion, only we know our story. Others may be aware of the situation, but not for the purpose of presenting the narrative.

Everyone has untold stories of pain and sadness that make them love and live a little differently than you do. Stop judging. Instead, try to understand.
Untold Story


Untold Story
