Genesis Homes

Whilst working on this Milton Keynes development for KingsOak, Genesis approached us to market the affordable housing element of this site.

The vibrant 'retail feel' of the KingsOak OneMK identity needed to be complemented for this aspect of the development. The identity and the marketing material needed to promote the affordable housing options, explain the tenures and appeal to the target audience. However, it was important not to be seen as the 'poor relation' of the development. The AxcessMK name and brand certainly did this.

The identity has helped raise awareness of Genesis and its modern, forward thinking housing options in the Milton Keynes area.

"Lines understood our needs and delivered a strong and cohesive solution, appealing to our target audience ina region where our brand was not widely known"

Barbara John
Sales manager
Genesis Homes

Genesis Homes

Naming, Identity and Marketing

