Perfil de Camille Savary

Chapel Cross Coffee Truck

Chapel Cross Coffee
A Food Truck Concept
Camille Savary
     So, for this final project, I decided to do a coffee truck! It’s the same as a food truck but instead of serving really good wings or burgers, it serves a mean cup of coffee (along with some light snacks/bites). 
     I started with my coffee brand’s color palette. I knew I wanted to include brown since coffee beans are brown and I wanted this brand to match at least part of its product. I then chose a deep red, a dusty baby blue, a mellow green, and a lighter shade of brown. The dusty baby blue ended up being the main star of this palette, hence the blue truck wrap. I then messed around with the wrap for far too long. I had sketches but after trying to do what I had envisioned I realized it wasn’t going to work. I then found out I really liked the cow pattern I ended up with. I had originally started messing with the cow print idea because most coffee drinks require milk (cappuccinos, lattes, etc.). Once I decided I liked that, I moved on to designing the little additions that made this truck come together. Things like a serving window, a menu board, little coffee cups, a muffin, then the miniature logos.
     As for the menu, I knew I wanted something simple and easy to read. As someone who has worked/frequents coffee shops I know people hate a complicated menu. I kept it simple and boxed each section in to help reduce clutter/overcrowding. For fonts, I went with two basic ones for body copy: Montserrat Regular and Neue Kabel Regular. Then for my logo, I did Bely but I adjusted it to make it more unique. I also knew that I wanted a black and white menu then an in-color one. So, using my color palette I made each frame a different color and made the ‘paper’ an off-white. As for the black and white menu, I did a classic black and white menu.
     Finally, for my logo, I went for the name of the business (Chapel Cross Coffee). I put this in the proper font over a circle with a frame. Behind the text, I put a light cross shape. Then under it, I put “coffee, treats, and good times” because it felt like it was true to the brand.
This is the MAIN color palette. I did use some different saturations/hues of each color in different areas. 
This is the logo for Chapel Cross Coffee
This is the B/W menu.
This is the in-color menu.
This was the final food/coffee truck wrap!
Chapel Cross Coffee Truck


Chapel Cross Coffee Truck
