WATCH DOGS Stars & Stripes Cover
I'm so happy and honored to have illustrated the new Ubisoft book cover "WATCH DOGS Stars & Stripes" by Aconyte Books with Nick Tyler as publishing coordinator. Nick was looking for a classic action movie color mix of blue/grays with orange sunset tones and wanted a gritty spy/action movie poster-style book cover.
If you want to know more, here you have the process:
- THUMBNAILS: First I brought different ideas and variations based on the briefing.
- 3D BLOCKING: I recreate the Lincoln Memorial scene making a helpful 3D blocking for some of the thumbnails to take advantage of the cameras and perspectives.
- FINAL STEPS: I had to develop the color and light mood for the piece. Lastly, I added details and final touches.
Grayscale composition exploration for the same scene with a classic story where the hero is cornered and being hunted in the middle of a shootout.
WATCH DOGS Stars & Stripes Cover
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WATCH DOGS Stars & Stripes Cover

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