Cathy Clarks profil

Kissproof Spread Design

"Kissproof" was registered as lipstick, rouge, and face powder in 1923. In this project, I researched the brand and what it offered as a product and created a two-page spread that explained some of the advertising directions as well as a brief history of the brand itself. The first page, an illustration of a woman applying lipstick in the mirror, was inspired by reference images of women in the 1920s. I created a base of colors for the image in Procreate and did the shading and detail work before transferring it to Adobe Illustrator to do the linework and title. The red lipstick being the only constant on both halves of the spread is to represent how long it was advertised to last.
Originally, the second page had these borders. I had created it in 2019 and updated it this year to the version seen first.
Kissproof Spread Design

Kissproof Spread Design
