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How long will it take you to learn Russian?

My team teaches Russian as a foreign language for 7+ years. Our teachers get often asked ‘ How long does it take to learn Russian ? ’ It’s a good question since it’s always a great idea to have some good perspective on the goal that you’re setting. You’ll be amazed, but reaching fluency in 3 months is within your grasp!

Learning a new language doesn’t need to be a long process. If we have the right framework for learning faster, an average student with dedication can reach conversation fluency in Russian in a few months. Interested, if you are an average learner or your learning abilities are even of higher level?
The following short test will help you estimate your chances to reach conversational fluency in 3 months.
Test ‘How long it will take me to learn Russian?’
Just put down the number of the most appropriate answer (try to choose the only one which describes your situation best).

#1. How old are you?
1. 60+
2. 50-59
3. 40-49
4. 30-39
5. 20-29
6. 10-19
7. below 10

#2. What is your level of intelligence (IQ)?
1. 69 and below – Lower extreme
2. 70–79 – Well below average
3. 80–89 – Low average
4. 90–109 – Average
5. 110–119 – High average
6. 120–129 – Well above average
7. 130+ – Upper extreme

#3. How many languages do you speak?
1. I speak only English which is my native language.
2. I speak 2 languages (the second one is non-Slavic).
3. 3 or more languages I speak are non-Slavic.
4. I speak 2 languages (the second one is Slavic).
5. I speak 3 or more languages. Slavic is one of them but is not my native language.
6. I speak 3 or more languages. Of these, 2 are Slavic, but none of them is my native language.
7. At least one of my native languages is Slavic.
#4. Why do you want to learn Russian?

1. Well, not sure yet.
2. I learn it for fun / It’s my hobby.
3. I am planning to visit a Russian-speaking country, so I would like to be able to speak with local people.
4. Some of my relatives are Russian-speaking, so I would like to communicate with them.
5. I need Russian for business / carrier.
6. I need to prepare for Russian language exams.
7. My partner is Russian, so I would like to communicate with his / her family and friends.

#5. How much time are you going to spend on a focused and dedicated language learning?
1. 1 hour per week
2. 2 -3 hours per week
3. Less than 30 minutes per day
4. 30 – 60 minutes per day
5. 60 – 90 minutes per day
6. 90 – 120 minutes per day
7. More than 120 minutes per day

Test results interpretation.
The figures you have just put down are your points. Overall sum of the points will help you approximately estimate your chances to learn Russian in 3 months. The value of the number determines the level of success.
5-10 scores: To learn Russian language fluently will take you an extraordinary amount of effort and time. You will be making slow and measured progress. It will take dedication plus perseverance. But reaching fluency will take you definitely longer than 3 months.
11-19 scores: You will not be a word-sponge while learning Russian, but will probably be able to reach conversational fluency in 90 days. 200 hours of study might be enough for you to have a simple conversation with a native. You will definitely be able to discuss your hobby’s or your work or your daily routine. It means that about 2.5-3 hours of focused learning per day will help you acquire functional knowledge of Russian in approximately 3 months.
20-35 scores: Lucky you are! To get to beginner fluency from scratch might take 100-150 hours for you. You are able to learn Russian quickly and effectively spending only 1-1.5 hours per day. And everyone will be amazed with your ability to hold conversation with natives in 3 months.

The detailed breakdown on the factors influencing your progress in learning Russian is on my website 
How long will it take you to learn Russian?

How long will it take you to learn Russian?


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