MRSA is an important muscle drug this year. But are they safe?

Although these pills are sold as top performance enhancers, they are not regulated. Here you have everything you need to know
SARM is similar to steroids, but not the same. Both work by binding to your androgen receptors, which triggers changes in your DNA that increase your muscles' ability to grow. But steroids are an annoying tool - they can affect other parts of the body and cause side effects like prostate problems, hair loss, and acne. However, SARMs are said to be “tissue selective” - they target muscles without triggering the same chain of reactions. They are also taken as tablets, not by injection. Does it fall? No one has been approved for human consumption.
Over the past five years, online searches for SARMs (or "selective androgen receptor modulators," including andarine and ostarine) have steadily increased. While there is no way of knowing how many of us are buying them, an analysis by the famous London Fatberg, the amount of oil and organic matter found in the capital's sewers, has shown that MRSA is found in greater amounts than MDMA and cocaine. .
Is it legal to buy a SARM?
And now. Unsurprisingly, a number of UK companies have come forward to meet this growing demand. Some, arguably cautious about the consequences of selling unlicensed drugs, rely on legal notices, describe their products as "research laboratory chemicals" and warn potential customers: "These products are not not sold at low prices, are not intended for human consumption ”. pause to think.
Where does MRSA come from?
MRSA was born by chance. In the early 1990s, a scientist named Professor James T Dalton was working on a revolutionary treatment for prostate cancer when he identified a respiratory molecule, the first MRSA. It was of little use in the treatment of prostate cancer, but it had a remarkable effect on muscle growth. “It was the opposite of what we were looking for at the time,” he told Men's Health. When should Ligandrol be consumed "But we're going to be focusing most of our attention on this. We knew we really had something unique."
A few years later, Dalton created a more refined version, known as ostarine. In clinical trials, older men who were given a 12-week cycle increased muscle mass and fat, with over 15% improvement in their ability to climb stairs. However, a follow-up study in cancer patients did not give the desired result and drug development was stopped. Since then, Dalton has sought to curb black market companies for his findings. “We contacted several of them to stop and publish letters, we contacted the FDA to try to shut them down,” he says. “It just occurred to us then.
SARM Known to Man

SARM Known to Man


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