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Common IVF Baby Complications - Role of a DNA Test

Common IVF Baby Complications - Role of a DNA Test

In today’s fast-paced life, poor dietary habits, hormonal disturbances have led to a critical increase in the number of infertility cases. An Assisted Reproductive Technology, like in-vitro fertilization (IVF), has become a boon for couples unable to achieve parenthood normally. Despite being safe and successful, there can be complications of IVF procedures. Such complications of IVF may affect the mother’s and the fetus's health. In extreme cases, miscarriages are also reported.

Understanding the Procedure of In-Vitro Fertilization

An ‘in-vitro’ procedure is performed outside of the body of a living being. In in-vitro fertilization, healthy eggs are collected from the female and fertilized with the healthy sperm in a laboratory setup. Then the fertilized egg (embryo) is implanted in the uterus of the mother. Once the implant is successful, the woman delivers the baby on completion of the gestation period. 
However, sometimes, things may not go as planned and can result in vitro fertilization complications. Some of the complications of the IVF procedure are listed below.

 Complications of IVF:

-Bruising at the injection sites resulting in soreness. It is a common problem during the phase of ovulation induction using fertility medicines.
-Nausea, vomiting are common due to the effects of the medicines.
-Tenderness in the breasts is one of the many In Vitro Fertilization complications.
-IVF baby complications often include abdominal bBloating, hot flashes, mood swings.
-Due to the effect of hormones and medications, the woman may feel fatigued, which is one of the many IVF baby complications.
-Allergic reactions, like itching and redness on the skin at the injection site, are among the general In Vitro Fertilization complications.
-Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) is caused by a heightened response of the body to injectable hormones and is among the most common complications of IVF.
-Mild Pelvic and Abdominal Pain during or after egg retrieval are common. 
-Pelvic infection resulting from the egg retrieval and implantation process.
-Multiple births resulting from the transfer of more than one embryo can increase the risk of gestational diabetes, hypertension, premature delivery, and cesarean delivery.
-Emotional stress is also among the common IVF baby complications.

Mismanagement of Samples and Role of A DNA Test

One of the most common In Vitro Fertilization complications, prevalent with the IVF centers, is related to sample handling and implantation.

The IVF centers stock hundreds and even thousands of samples at any point of time. Often due to human errors, like wrong labelling and handling and implantation of the wrong sample, couples end up giving birth to a child, that is not their biological child. A DNA test can help avoid such complications of IVF. One can go for a DNA test during the pregnancy to establish the biological relationship of the fetus with that of the would-be parents. It's called a Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity DNA Test (No Sex Determination), is 100% safe for the pregnant woman and the fetus. The regular paternity DNA test or a maternity DNA test can also reveal the biological identity of the child post-birth.

A NABL-accredited DNA testing company is recommended for an IVF baby DNA test. DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is one of India's best companies for accredited DNA tests and help couples avoid complications of IVF.
Common IVF Baby Complications - Role of a DNA Test

Common IVF Baby Complications - Role of a DNA Test


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