Packaging Project:
Inspo-  JoOne and Fifa World Cup Brazil 2014
For the packaging project, I was first required to find another artist for inspiration and to base my art style off and decide what kind of box I was going to build. I landed on a street artist named JoOne who used his art as an outlet to escape drugs and violence in his home town. I thought the message he had behind all of his art was really powerful so I decided to include inspiration from it in my final design.
Once I had the base idea in mind, I began to sketch different combinations of his art and figures on the box design until I found a combination that I saw fit. I wanted the box to have plenty of the art on it but at the same time clearly show what the product was and that all the words could be clearly legible.
I decided on which design I wanted and began to transfer it onto the computer. First laying out the die lines in proportions, filling those with the JoOne inspired art, and then adding white parts that would display what’s inside the box. However, once I printed out and formed the first mockup of the package, I decided it was too cluttered and it didn’t represent the product inside the way it was supposed to. So, I scratched that idea and restarted.
I ended up deciding that a keychain would not only fit better in the box but was also a much better choice regarding the design on the box as well. I kept the back design and simply changed all the white bits on the outside to match the new product and came to realize that I should have done this from the beginning.

