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The Holiday (festivus) Elf

     I made this for my Christmas line, and in the midst of sketching I decided to include everyone that loves the holidays in this design. So while a lot of the totems are christmas related I left out santa and the reindeer. I also wanted the elf's outfit to have a bit of an "ethnic" flavor to it. 
What you'll see is my process from sketchpad to and through Illustrator to Photoshop. 
     Each splash collage I make is meant to take the eye on a journey. A fun one where you find something new and exciting the closer you look. Or you can just hang out and create your own story by allowing your eyes and mind to wander through the composition.
     When you take in the big picture you can dance with the theme in mind and allow your eyes to follow your heart and rest on the recognizable. Similar to where's festivus I wanted this design to be for everyone. 
     My hope is the these splash collages challenge the viewer to find their favorite things within the composition.
1st I sketch with pencil and paper. 
I like big pads because I can jam a bunch of stuff in there!
2nd I trace the lines in Adobe Illustrator myself, and vectorize em. (the pen tool is my friend). I like bold lines and I tend to keep the line weight even. I kinda want it to feel like a coloring book.
It takes longer than it should sometimes.
After all the lines have been traced I color it!
I still have layers of color to place in for shadow and light; but here it is! Thanks for taking the journey with me! I hope you come back for more!
Here's a link to my online store:
The Holiday (festivus) Elf


The Holiday (festivus) Elf
