Beauty in Colour
Introduction/Why I shot This Series

Now that winter is here, the world is less colourful. I go outside and everything is grey. Though the grass is still green, and the sky is still blue, it seems less saturated than before. Everything has become so dull. A world without colour is not a world I want to live in. With that I left for the streets in search for colour, even if found in unexpected places.
Street Photography

I chose to do street photography because a big part of it is capturing life as it is, and it was important for me to find colour where it already is. Although I people were not the subjects of my photos, none of these things would be here without them. I had to be observant of my surroundings as to not miss anything while the business of the day moved me along.

I wanted each colour to be prominent in its own photo, filling most of the frame when possible. It was more challenging than expected to find each colour, and even when I found them everything was so dull. It was rare to find thing bright like I wanted.

Me influences for this series were Alex Webb and Harry Gruyaert. Colour is always a very prominent element in their photographs. Their use of colour is captivating and bright which creates interesting photos.
The photo above is by Alex Webb always stands out to me and catches my eye. I love the use of complimentary colours and how bright they are. You can find more of Webb's work at
The eye-catching image above is by Harry Gruyaert. I love the way the red pops, and just can’t stop looking at it. You can find more of Gruyart's work at
Beauty in Colour


Proyecto para

Beauty in Colour


Sectores creativos