Capturing The Scenic View of Ottawa
Capturing the scenic view of Ottawa, this series fits in the category of street photography. As an immigrant kid who moved from the Philippines to Canada to have a better future, we didn’t always have a good view of the city. From where I live, it takes about 3hrs to get to Manila, and if you are lucky, it takes around 2hrs.  Here in Canada, it only takes about 30 mins or less for a person to go downtown. The reason why I decided to document life like in a city it’s because I find beauty in the streets and buildings. I wanted to capture an image that makes me reminiscences of my past. Looking back at the photograph shown above, it makes me remember the first time when I arrived in Canada, happily and contented, I have also learned the difference between living in a city and the countryside. When I look at the structure, I  get captivated and curious; I begin to question how people built such beautiful construction back in the old day. Each time I pass by downtown, I can not help to admire the historical infrastructures. As easy it may seem in the pic, the picture that I took was not as I had never in my life taken street-style photography before. As an aspiring photographer, I recognized that to be a photographer, an individual must try to capture images not fit their category once in a while. Furthermore, versatility in photography is excellent as it gets a person's mind to get creative and innovative with their shots. 
Street Documentary Series


Street Documentary Series
