Approach: This assignment involved taking an object and illustrating it in different ways. This included using simple shapes, line, line and shape, and abstracting your object. I decided to choose a ukulele because I've been teaching myself to play the ukulele and my ukulele has a lot of personal meaning. I tried visualizing my ukulele in different ways, asking myself "what if my ukulele was made of strings?" and  "What if my ukulele was built from legos?"

I experimented with different materials such as chocolate syrup to see how the ukulele would look like as a liquid. I also used coffee grinds and black beans to see how a ukulele can be visualized using everyday food items. Overall, I enjoyed the process of taking a different visual approach to viewing a ukulele. Trying to abstract an image and still make it readable was challenging, but I enjoyed the journey.



