“Windows Pay” is designed to create a payment system and platform where payment attributes link and fit effortlessly. A POS system where physical and digital meet, achieving a coherent whole.

The starting point for “Windows Pay” came from a personal experience. I observed the payment journey of the customers of my girlfriends fashion store and came across multiple pain points which could be improved.
Microsoft Surface hosted a virtual design workshop with business stakeholders, journalists and industrial designers around the theme: “Future Workspace”. In this workshop I was one of the designers co-creating new ways of working during and post-Covid.
The payment area of the shop is the heart of the business with a messy collection of tools from different brands to complete the payment process, downgrading your shop experience. The interaction between shop owner and customer is disturbed when using the payment device. The tools take up a lot of space and are not designed for hybrid working

“Windows Pay” on the other hand is designed to create a payment system and platform where payment attributes link and fit effortlessly. A POS system where physical and digital meet, achieving a coherent whole, with the following features:

1. A double screen for a seamless payment journey
Enabling smooth interaction between shop staff and customer
2. Second screen can be switched for a keyboard
Transforms your payment service easily into a workstation to complete your mailbox
3. Wireless hand scanner, charging in the dock attached to the screen.
Attach an ergonomic handle for frequent use  
4. Contactless payment reader attached to screen
A sustainable way of working: sending the receipt via mail
The “Windows Pay”-platform ensures a smooth payment experience both in the physical store as well as on the go.

