Profiel van Diego Veluz

Social Media Advocacy Materials

I volunteer with I Stand With Pride (ISWP), an online advocacy group for LGBTQIA+ and SOGIE issues. I contribute by creating layouts and content for their Instagram page. The content would center around different SOGIE issues relevant to the queer community and their allies.
This is a series of slides made for the LGBTQIA+ History Week's Instagram post, which was published on October 2021 on the ISWP page. Layouts were made using Canva.
This is a series of slides made for the Transgender Mental Health Week Instagram post, which was published on November 2021 on the ISWP page. Layouts were made using Canva.
These are a set of single-photo posts made for various events and other important dates to remember. From left to right: Trans Awareness Week, Transgender Day of Remembrance (November 20), Trans Mental Health Week, World AIDS Day (December 1). Layouts were made using Canva.
Social Media Advocacy Materials

Social Media Advocacy Materials
