Autumn. This time we'll go for the blood. Literally. A hunter is not just a person who exhibits trophies at a home or runs around drunk. It is a responsible and very important work for animals. The hunter keeps the balance. Sometimes, however, they have to take one life so that most can live on.

The work of a hunter can be divided into many roles. Balancing the number of game pieces is just one of them. If one multiplies, it pushes the other out of space. And while they are not necessarily predators and do not physically threaten each other, they feed on the same crops.

The hunter must also take care of what the animals eat, for example in the winter he feeds them to survive. In the summer, they have to watch out for tourists and people in the woods who disturb the game. And it's not just noise, but also garbage that ends up in the woods. Every time I walk in the woods, I can't believe how much rubish people leave in the woods.
Hunters must also follow strict hunting rules. The animal must be properly big. After he catches him, nothing is wasted. The intestines are left in the forest so that predators can reach it. The meat must be properly labeled and sold to the butcher shop. So they replace large farms and the meat comes directly to the table from the forest.

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