R&D Column
Client: RCSLT Bulletin
Various illustrations for topics in the 'Research & Development Forum' column in the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists journal.

Funding Research
I put a Monopoly slant on exciting opportunities for speech and language therapists to gain training and fund their research.

Illustration for an article celebrating the collaboration between Speech and Language Therapists within the EU, centering around their work with people on the Autistic spectrum.
Key to the brief was to visualise communication across the continent without using the iconography of the EU flag - sensitive to the fact that this issue of the magazine would be out the same month that the UK is meant to be 'exiting' the European Union.

Outcome Measures
I applied a sporting analogy to this article about the measurement of outcomes in evidence based practice for speech and language therapists.

Creating Shared Ownership
For an article about collaboration in decision making.

Teamwork At Conference
Illustrations for partner articles about hard work, collaboration and teamwork; the key themes at the RSLT September conference.

An Easier Process to Swallow
Diagnosis & treatment for swallowing problems.

R&D Column