Graveur is a Renaissance style text face based in the work of the French punchcutter Robert Granjon (1513-1589). Working on original artifacts kept in Museum Plantin-Moretus in Antwerp, observation of his punches, matrices and printed materials resulted in a extense type family that tries to capture the overall style of Granjon rather than simply being a slavish copy of a particular source.
Started as my project at Expert Class in Type Design in Antwerp, Graveur has grown to become a typeface with four optical sizes and seven weights, plus italics and an ornaments font. It also has variable fonts for extra fine tuning.
With a huge character set and a heavy use of OpenType features, Graveur will fit any of your Renaissance person needs.
More info and purchase options at Graveur page
Design information and some thoughts about revivals on the Blog

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with the coupon GRANUJA



Graveur is a text face based on the work of Robert Granjon, one of the most prolific punchcutters of the Renaissance.



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