Fall Semester 
Andres Barbosa

Entering Architecture school with little to no drawing skills, the initial lessons helped my sense of proportion as well as basic hand eye coordination. 
Orthographic Drawing of Staircase
Assignment: Design Staircase, given the specifications of the project,  and provide an Orthographic representation of the Staircase.

Oblique Drawing of Staircase
Assignment: Converting the Ortho

Designing and depicting the staircase orthographically was difficult enough, at another level however, was bringing the design into reality via an oblique depiction. No longer a concept but a three-dimensional environment, albeit a sketched one.
Two-Point Cube Structure
Assignment: Design cube structure and then depict it through using a Two point perspective.
This study was especially helpful in hammering the skill of the two-point perspective. In addition to reinforcing my orthographic drawing skills, I learned the small techniques to speed up drawing and visual skills to be able to tell the imperfections
Shade and Shadow
Assignment: Add shade and shadows to the cube design

Light, though appearing simple, is a complex illogical thing. That said in order to depict shade and shadow and add another level of realism to my drawing, I needed to use techniques that took a good amount of time and thought to apply.
One-Point Perspective Interior

Hallway Chimes
Assignment: Create a spatial modifier for a location of your chosen location within the school. 
When asked to design a structure for the school, we immediately started brainstorming for ways to interact with people passing by and finally landed on a design based on sound and music, inspired by Buddhist prayer wheels, and began construction. This was a priceless learning experience in taking your design, a simple pencil sketched drawing, into this entire wooden structure, with mechanical structures, adapting the design as real world construction limitations confronted us. 
In total, this semester has really transformed my thinking, in both design and architecture appreciation, and ready for next semester.
Fall Semester

Fall Semester


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