Perfil de Matthieu Chauvirey

Houdini | Redshift - vellum simulation studies

Vellum simulation  01 Vellum balloon constraints and parametric tube-men modeling

This short sequence aimed to develop a fully parametric system that would allow me to generate several types of "tube-men" while keeping all the selections needed for the vellum solver to work. In this case, I have been abusing the bbox() expression to constrain the bounding box of the group selection to the very ends of every part of the models. The workflow consisted in creating each element separately and cutting it in half, then, stitch everything back together with the vellum constrains and getting those nice sewing lines on the side of the body and the arms. The simulation itself consists mainly of a wind fan force blowing air inside each tube-man.
Vellum simulation 02 Simple balloon constrains setup and procedural modeling

This simulation was my first project from scratch entirely done inside Houdini and without the security net of a tutorial. It is a very simple "balloon" type constrain applied to randomly generated bouncing balls that were all procedurally modeled in Houdini. The bouncing balls are spawned like particles from a single emitter grid located at the top of the staircase. Some were constrained into following a different path via forces combined with group restrictions.
Vellum simulation 03 Multiple soft body emitters and proxy to high-res binding

This animation was largely inspired by the early work of Extraweg and came out three years too late to have any impact. Nonetheless, it was a very good exercice from wich I was able to figure out how to combine different emission sources to randomly spawn soft body objects, all with a random orientation and angular velocity. To help with the simulation time, I have used the "sleep" feature within the vellum solver, which deactivate each object from the simulation while keeping them active for collision detection which tremendously reduces calculation time. The low poly proxies used for the simulation were used afterward to bind the high-res models via a point deformer.
Vellum simulation 04 Expression driven forces and particle attractor study 

This simple simulation consisted in learning how to use the fit() function combined with additional custom controllers to manipulate the properties of different forces that would control the behavior of the two vellum spheres over time. Each vellum sphere is assigned to a specific group, which is how I could split the forces and have them affect each sphere separately. Additionally, I have added particles to the scene from the cached vellum simulation. Vellum simulation that was used as well to generate a point group per element that could attract the particles based on their proximity.
Thank you for watching.
Houdini | Redshift - vellum simulation studies
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Houdini | Redshift - vellum simulation studies

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