Gizem Nur Uysals profil

Graduation Project | Giorgi X Hockney


 For my first graduation project, I illustrated 16 David Hockney paintings and adapted my character Giorgi in. Then put them all together to make a tapestry.

In order to encourage my project, I designed a mini booklet with conceptual thoughts that came to mind using my handwritten typography (soon to be printed)  and made a spotify-code playlist poster where each song is a representation of each artwork.

By making this series, I wanted to experience the making process, the color application of Hockney's art and follow his brush marks. I adore his artmaking in every sense.

 This project was actually started in the first year of my graphic design adventure. My initial idea when I opened Adobe Photoshop to explore digital art was, "I have to paint Pool with Two Figures by D.Hockney!"
So it began. I painted it and painted another one, American Collectors. They were huge successes for me, but I never continued the series for some reason. I think I was a little nervous about starting a series. I felt so inexperienced and self-conscious about my art at the time. Time flies; I put my heart and soul into my art for three years and gained the experience and confidence I required. So when my dear teacher asked us to create a graduation project that represented us and demonstrated the style of our art, I was determined to complete the unfinished business:) 


If you are wondering which artwork you see above reminds me of which song, you can find out by scanning the Spotify codes below.

We all enjoy an interactive project don't we?

GiorgiXHockney Playlist
every song represents an illustration in order.

Graduation Project | Giorgi X Hockney

Graduation Project | Giorgi X Hockney
