AIE, short After all Innovation Exists (Afinal Inovação Existe), is an evolution of a young and successful brand - NEVoS. The brand evolved to AIE because of the issues that the brand was facing regarding its initial logo. However, in the AIE logo it can still be identified both components of the old logo, which are the E (from Evolution Media), and the N (from NSV Design), although the latter is not implicitly evident in the design. This project consisted of continuing the previous works of NEVoS, which where mainly t-shirt designing, while at the same time experimenting with the new logo and a new direction of its designs
AIE -Tees

AIE -Tees

AIE, short After all Innovation Exists (Afinal Inovação Existe), is an evolution of a young and successful brand - NEVoS. The brand evolved to AI Read More
