We are in a time without end, a cycle that seems like it will continue forever
Lives stuck in an endless loading screen, progressing yet stationary.
Aeon originally meant 'life' or 'being', but evolved to be defined as 'forever' and 'eternity', a development that echoes our current status as spirits trapped in stasis.
This piece is a statement on our forever looping existence. Now is never the end, nor the beginning. It is just now. Now in a day, now in a year, now in an Aeon.
The installation was built with custom light profiles using addressable LEDs and generatively programmed animations. The animation concept was inspired by the cyclic feeling of waiting, displaying infinitely looping paths without a defined end or beginning.
The installation
The installation was built with custom light profiles using addressable LEDs and generatively programmed animations. The animation concept was inspired by the cyclic feeling of waiting, displaying infinitely looping paths without a defined end or beginning.
Animations are done in TouchDesigner and were running for 2 weeks on a custom-built microcomputer.

Video by Sarah Fresco
Installation made as part of Optika Studio


