J Robert Burgoyne's profile

Queensboro Bridge - after Thanksgiving dinner

New York City - Nov 25, 2021, after an excellent Thanksgiving dinner, five of us went to the roof of a friend's apartment - wow! I had seen a camera phone photo from the same roof, and on Thanksgiving night 2021 I was able to bring my own DSLR and a tripod with me.
↑ HDR Enhanced Photo
↑ Unedited Photo
Thank you to Ken Rockwell and Ken's detailed and positive review of the lens that took the above photos, a Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 L II.

Ken is intrigued by this lens' quality, including its ability to create lovely 18 pointed Sunstars from point sources of light under ideal circumstances. Look at the lamps on the bridge at top left, and note the Sunstars' detail and sharpness.
Queensboro Bridge - after Thanksgiving dinner


Queensboro Bridge - after Thanksgiving dinner
