Personal Project - Part 1
Page 1: a girl on a journey to explore the depths of her sky and sea. She's on the cliff staring into the unknown. There are three creatures roaming around in the depth, and she plans to get to them.
Page 2: she decided to jump off the cliff, terrified but again she knew it was one of her lucid dreams and she was capable of doing anything inside those dreams. She took the risk eager to know what lies in that depth
Page 3: she didn't reach the bottom, a group of devil rays was waiting in the depth. She reached out and continued her journey on a devil's back.
Page 4: she continued her journey on the devil ray's back. The void was only getting deeper, unfamiliar, and it seemed so far away. For an instance she felt the same way about her freedom. 
Page 5: at last she's confronting the creature. The faces tilted toward the light beaming from her and fixated their eyes on it. What did she come here for? why is she disturbing the serenity that lies in the depth they thought.
Page 6: she had a weird sense of courage, for again she had nothing to lose. She reached her hand out regardless of the tiny sound in her head doubting her, what did that sound ever do anyways?just delayed her findings she thought. 
Page 7: she inspected further and moved her hand closer to the creature in hopes to grasp some of its truth. Suddenly the surface started dissolving once it felt her touch, a tingling sensation took over her body and the image was hazy. 
Find Me: 1


Find Me: 1
