HAWAIIAM SHIRT - Introduction to Digital Media

The project that was given was to create a Hawaiian shirt using adobe illustrator. The tasks within the assignment included creating a unique design, a button, and a tag with both a company name and design on it, then put all of this onto the shirt template created at the start.

Adobe illustrator. fabric sample for tag. shirt template to follow along to create Hawaiian shirt look.

When creating this project I wanted it to be something that I myself might wear. I had a lot of ideas that I wanted to try but I am still in the learning stages with this program so I needed to make sure my design was something I could do but would still look good. I settled on something that I always associate with Hawaiian culture, the hibiscus flower. This flower is so beautiful and this is what lead me to my design and calling it "Flower Power"

First I had to follow along with a template to create the overall shape and outline of the shirt. There are many pieces that are used to make up a Hawaiian shirt which i discovered while doing this. 

Screenshot of beginning shirt layer process
Screenshot of finished shirt layer
Screenshot of pattern being created
forgot to get a screenshot of putting the pattern onto the shirt but this was done creating 2 fill layers on each section, one with the overall color (blue) and one with the pattern. the using the tilde key to offset the patter to create a more realistic look.
Screenshot of button in progress
Screenshot of final button
Screenshot of buttons on the shirt
Screenshot of tag in process
screen shot of final tag
Final Layout
Overall this project was a fun one, it required a lot of critical thinking and problem solving skills. There was a lot of creative freedom but there were also rules and structure that we had to follow which is great especially when you're a beginner trying to do this complex project in a complex program. It also gave a chance to work on organizational skills with all the layers we had to create for each specific piece. I am still learning but this project gave me a new confidence and i am excited to keep practicing and developing my skills with this software. 

