ReMind - Promoting optimized cognition

This project addresses the lack of awareness regarding Digital Amnesia as a gap that needs to be bridged in the digital literacy of Pakistan, so citizens are cognitively better equipped to adapt to a digital lifestyle in a positive manner. With the aid of interaction design and targeting Generation Z (the tech-savvy youth who have been exposed to digital use since infancy), my project takes shape of a smart pet app, the interactions of which aims to promote ways in which the users can improve their brain health (and therefore their cognitive development).
ReMind campaign logo drives the umbrella concept of my thesis. The memory chip inspired design is a depiction of augmented minds. The five lines also represent cognitive skills. In this animated version of the logo, the animation depicts the lighting up of different brain areas when our cognition is in use.
Screens of Blit!
Instagram Campaign Mockups
Blit! Product Mockups
ReMind - Blit!


ReMind - Blit!
