Callum Shaw's profile

Translating Form to Colour/ILL 101.5

Translating Form to Colour:
ILL 101.5/From monotone to colour interpretation

Brief Summary:
The previous ILL projects explored the basis of the 'Form Principle'; a monotone play of light and shadow on various basic shapes and forms that usually follows an orderly and/or predictable series of tonal variations (light to shadow areas). This project aims to further build upon one's knowledge of form principles by introducing the fascinating phenomenon of colour. The focus of this project is on the study, observation and translation of colour and light effects into realistic and believable colour pencil renderings. 

Project Aims:
The aim of this project is to nurture the process of experimentation and iterative thinking when directing composition and lighting setups as well as to explore the interaction and play of colour and light between various shapes, forms, textures, and surrounding surfaces. It also aims to further develop observational skills and colour mixing skills to recreate believable 'real-world' colours and to develop an understanding of how to create  and control spatial depth and have a 'designerly finish'.

Project Deliverables:
- 1x scumbling, layering, burnishing, colour matching, smudging, lifting & impressed line activity
- 1x colour sphere activity
- 2x Citrus and textured green fruit renderings, A5 mounted on white A3, colour pencils
- 1x Red fruit, purple fruit, & glass composition rendering, A4 mounted on white A3, colour pencils
- 1x Fruit, piece of cutlery & porcelain object composition rendering, A4 mounted on white A3, colour pencils
- 2x Lemon/lime sliced & nartjie/orange segments with plant composition rendering, backlit, A5 mounted on white A3, colour pencils
- 1x Two fruit/veg, glass/porcelain object & optional extra composition rendering, A4 blackboard mounted on white A3, colour pencils
(use of gouache as well as colour pencils is optional)

My aim for this project was to correctly capture the colours on each surface I was viewing to create realistic renderings. I payed attention to the fundamentals of drawing such as light & shadow relationships, reflection, colour bounce and luminosity. During this project I also devised a system of colour pencil mixing that enabled me to accurately capture the colour of a relative surface every time. Burnishing played a big role in this process.  

Process Work & Final Deliverables:

Process Work

Final Deliverables
Translating Form to Colour/ILL 101.5

Translating Form to Colour/ILL 101.5


Creative Fields