Perfil de Katie Willes

Fables for Freshmen: GIT480 Senior Project

An e-book of Aesop's Fables for college freshmen. Included with each fable is an illustration of a modern, college life, interpretation and my advice on based on the fable. 
Mood Board

Layout Draft
Design Process
Each fable got its own modern-day advice and illustration.
1. Choose the fables
2. Create the layout of the e-book
3. Write my advice
4. Rough Sketch
5. Refined Sketch after feedback
6. Use "Image Trace" in Adobe Illustrator to turn Sketches into line art
7. Save line art as x2 PNG
8. Color, highlight, and shade line art in Autodesk Sketchbook on my Samsung Tablet
Cover Art
The Tortoise and the Hare
The Jackdaw and the Borrowed Feathers
The North Wind and the Sun
Final Cover and Forward
Access the final e-book in attached files

Fables for Freshmen: GIT480 Senior Project


Fables for Freshmen: GIT480 Senior Project
