Hyperion Airways is a fictional commercial Hypersonic Airline Company. Hypersonic speed is roughly five times the speed of sound (Mach 5) and this type of commercial transport is only decades away.
Hyperion is the Greek Titan God of LIght. Light travels faster than anything else in the universe, Hyperion Airways will be the fastest airline on the planet. The logo is a modified astronomical symbol for the sun (a ring surrounding a circle). The outer ring I split in half  to make it look as if something was traveling from one side of the earth to the other (indicating fast travel). 
Style Guide for logo usage.
External Appearance of a Hyperion Plane. It started as a drawing and then was refined
in illustrator and photoshop.
Digital Boarding Pass Presented on a futuristic cell phone.
The next few images are of the user interface that would be present in front of you while seated on the plane. The interactivity it has is subtle but key to the user interface experience.
This is the Home page. It is simple but it shows some key features that are present throughout. Features such as the call attendant button, the settings overlay, and the mini flight tracker at the top of the page.
The Flight page shows the flight's staus as well as information about your destination.
The menu page is where you place your mid-flight meal order.
The media page is where the latest movies and games would be at your finger tips as well as
bluteooth device control.
Hyperion Airways

Hyperion Airways

I had to design the branding, and imagery for a fictional Hypersonic Airliner. The designs had to be future proof, meaning the style of the brand Read More
