Sound Circuits 2021 presents the latest sound installation of Julia
Lema Barros: underneath the ground, hidden in the center of Principe
Real Garden (Jardim do Príncipe Real), Julia's work approaches the
astonishing Reservatorio da Patriarcal and turns it into a living
organism, exploring its architectural and historical proprieties through
This water reservoir, built between 1860 and 1864, was designed to
supply the downtown area of Lisbon; its octagon shape matches the
polygon represented by the ir on fencing around the lake that lies over
the water deposit at the center of the Príncipe Real Garden. The
spouted water entered the reservoir through four openings at the
bottom of the basin, which had tubes that went all the way up to the
water surface and acted as drains. Julia Lema's work follows her
research on ruins and abandoned spaces, bringing life to an
architectural wonder.

