Shilesh Iyer さんのプロファイル

Bridging the Gap Between Lifestyle and Sports Medicine

Shilesh Iyer, MD, is a New York-based dermatologist and is the cofounder of myDoqter, an accessible “procial” (professional-social) network that connects physicians and patients across social media platforms. Dr. Shilesh Iyer’s platform also encompasses an informative blog with timely and relevant content by featured physicians.

One myDotqer blog piece features orthopedic care specialist Siatta Dunbar, DO, to address intersections between lifestyle and sports medicine. The practice model she emphasizes typically begins with patient consultations focused on sports-related issues, and then she expands on how nutrition and lifestyle choices can impact their diagnosis or condition. For example, Dr. Dunbar may recommend patients supplementing their diet with ingredients such as Omega 3, turmeric, and Vitamin D.

Health technology is integrated within this health coaching model, with biologic treatments such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) recommended for improved function and pain reduction in cases of mild or moderate arthritis and other chronic tendinopathy cases, including tennis elbow and tears to the Achilles, rotator cuff, and hamstrings. The knowledgeable health coaching aims to help patients reach goals such as attaining a healthy weight or lower blood pressure. Dr. Dunbar’s focus is to use lifestyle medicine and empower patients to make choices that reverse chronic disease and create optimal health.
Bridging the Gap Between Lifestyle and Sports Medicine
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Bridging the Gap Between Lifestyle and Sports Medicine

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