Outcome 1 -
Concertina book - 
A concertina book is a handmade, origami looking pop-up book which you can present various forms of art on. This is something we were shown to do in class, as a way we could possibly present our work - also thinking about sequencing too. I actually really enjoyed making this, because being practical and creative is something I like to do - especially if I get something good out of it. Furthermore, I like the the fact that 'I' myself made it, adding a personal and rustic touch to the photographs inside. However, since this was my first attempt at this, and purely just a prototype, I only had basic resources that were provided by college. Therefore, if I'm to make this more relevant to the context of my work, I would like to explore different colours and sizes of card - such as black or grey card for my cover, also with a title on the front of it. 

This shows the tools we used to make the book. We needed a craft knife, pencil, rulers, cutting board, card and our printed photos of course - following a template on photoshop. On photoshop, we had a template with six boxes to put our photos into, which meant we could crop them into square shape, or have them small and landscape within the box. I chose to do mine square, as I hadn't really done this much before, and I quite liked the way it looked. 

Then what we had to do, was to score lines onto the paper with the blunt end of the knife. We had to cut directly down the centre (portrait), and then score exactly in the centre of each image, meaning they could be folded easily - I found that I ended up with some extra paper around the edges so just used my ruler and sliced it off. 

Once this was done, I used sticky sided tape to attach the two pieces together - making sure I scored it beforehand so it would fold neatly. Some people used glue, but I thought that the double sided tape may last better and prevent it from eventually coming apart. 

As you can see, at this point I'd added a cover to the book, and to do this I just measured out onto card a cover that would be about 1 cm wider than the book itself. This made it sit nicely, however, when I do this again I'll definitely use different coloured card. 
- An aerial view of the book closed - by a latch I made out of leftover paper. 
Extra research -
Here, on Mack books, I found a good example of a concertina book made by Thomas Demand. I really like the darker outer cover to this, and the recurring colours throughout. This is something I'd like to do, since most of my photos are very dark, therefore a black cover would be most suitable.  Furthermore, his book is much more full than mine, and includes a lot of writing. I would like to include some writing in mine, however only very minimal and possibly in a quotational way, summarising the scene in only a couple of words. 
Outcomes 1

Outcomes 1


Creative Fields