It’s important that you rebuild the brand in a way that communicates your firm’s reputation and expertise, as well as its name.
It's our client Omar sons company (OSC) for Motor repair solutions, who wanted to rebrand his logo, as well as the other marketing materials will be printed again, such as:
Brochure. block notes, office calendar and wall calendar, name tag, coasters, mugs, pens, DL envelope, A4 envelope, letter head and stamp.
what did we do to create a catchy and high quality logo?
Logo: we used the the logo as a pattern to show OSC logo.
Fonts: it's a basic Font one of them bold for the titles and the other one is regular for the paragraphs.
shades: maroon color it's a warm color that evokes both of relaxation for the eyes and creativity.
Colors: dark maroon color because we use the pink and white color shades to be more comfortable for the eyes.
This is a part of the rebranding strategy where you develop the visual elements that will communicate your brand.
OSC Project

OSC Project
