Profil użytkownika „Abbey Nix”

Secret Compartment Coffee Table

Secret Compartment Coffee Table
Abbey Nix
CRT 101
This is a hand crafted coffee table made from pine wood, stained with dark oak and painted black on the bottom. There is an LED strip attached underneath the table that is turned on and off with the press of a button. There is also a secret compartment that can lock.
Process Image Gallery
Foam Core Prototype
LED strip, arduino and battery pack
Stained the top and sides with dark oak stain, painted the underside and legs with black acrylic.
LED lights are attached to the bottom here, the bread boards and portable charger are secured to the bottom with Velcro command strips for easy removal.
This is the bolt that works as a key, when screwed in all the way it prevents the drawer from opening. When unscrewed, it allows the drawer to open.
User Testing
I tested 4 users with my coffee table and asked them a series of questions while they performed simple tasks.

 2 Goals/Assumptions:
- Determine if the user can discover the hidden drawer
- Assume upon finding the drawer, they can unlock it and open it

3 or More Characteristics of User
- User knows how to screw and unscrew a bolt
- User can turn the LEDs on and off 
- User can locate the hidden drawer

Users Being Tested:
Peyton, Richard, Larry, Joe

User Testing
User 1:  Joe Spikes
- Association: Boss (carpenter)


- Do you have small objects or money you would like to hide?
            > Yes, credit cards

- What current locations do you hide those objects?
            > In my wallet in my pocket

- Would you lock away these objects somewhere hidden and accessible with a key?
            > Yes

- How often would you use a coffee table?
            > I use one every day

Tasks for User Completion

- You have some pens you want to hide so they don’t get taken. Please put them in the hidden compartment.

- Can you turn on the LEDs?
            > Yes

- Can you lock and unlock the compartment?
            > Yes

Very good job, clever and creative, uniquely designed.

User 2: Larry Self
- Association: Boss (locksmith)

- Do you have small objects or money you would like to hide?
            > Yes, money

- What current locations do you hide those objects?
            > Fire box, it’s like a safe

- Would you lock away these objects somewhere hidden and accessible with a key?
            > No, I rather keep it where I can just grab it.

- How often would you use a coffee table?
            > Not often, but I have one in my house.

 Tasks for User Completion

- You have some pens you want to hide so they don’t get taken. Please put them in the hidden compartment.

- Can you turn on the LEDs?
            > Yes
- Can you lock and unlock the compartment?
            > Yes

Unique design, steady structure and simple. I like the use of the LEDs and the placement. I would have a bigger button to turn on the lights, but that is the only thing I would change.

User 3- Richard Kerce
- Association: Boss (carpenter)

- Do you have small valuables or money you would like to hide?
            > Yes, a handgun

- What current locations do you hide those objects?
            > By my pillow

- Would you lock away these objects somewhere hidden and accessible with a key?
            > Yes

- How often would you use a coffee table?
            > Probably 12-15 times a week

Tasks for User Completion

- You have some pens you want to hide so they don’t get taken. Please put them in the hidden compartment.

- Can you turn on the LEDs?
            > Yes
- Can you lock and unlock the compartment?
            > Yes

The craftsmanship is great. Tight joints, the two-tone color stain and painted legs is awesome. The LEDs are a nice touch, and the locking drawer is a great idea. Only thing I would do different is put the LEDs on the inside of the legs, and I wish there was an easier switch to turn the lights on and off.

User 4- Peyton Ferro
- Association: Boyfriend

- Do you have small valuables or money you would like to hide?
            > Yes

- What current locations do you hide those objects?
            > I guess in my console in my truck

- Would you lock away these objects somewhere hidden and accessible with a key?
            > Probably not

- How often would you use a coffee table?
            > Probably every day, a couple times a day

Tasks for User Completion

- You have some pens you want to hide so they don’t get taken. Please put them in the hidden compartment.

- Can you turn on the LEDs?
            > Yes
- Can you lock and unlock the compartment?
            > Yes

I think its very creative, I like the stained wood, its nice and feels high quality. There could be a cover over the arduino to make it look less obvious.

Photos of Joe, Larry, Richard and Peyton using the table
Secret Compartment Coffee Table

Secret Compartment Coffee Table
