Machine Dialect 
using machines algorithm to develop new movement languages​​​​​​​
For a while, nature has always been our muse composer until the rise of machines. 
This questions us to reflect on to what extent machines algorithm can surprise. It is true that nature teaches us to live in relation with one another instead of in domination over the other. This is because you have no control over how the currents flow, how the sun will rise or even where the birds are flying to. 

However, humans could be considered as a fact of nature but how human’s brains process information and learn skills explains why we are drawn to technologies because it lies within the architecture of our own well being too. The mushrooming of machine's involvement in the world today triggers the idea that technology would be a domination threat unlike how the relation between humans and nature has always been. 

For that reason, this work experimentation challenges the idea and enables the exploration of the relationship between humans and machines algorithm that can both work to contribute to an end result. Dancers' four limbs muscles data collected by the EMG sensor, which is also known as Electromyography Sensor and the implemented algorithm rules in the production of generative arts serves as the contribution of the human input while the machines process and surprise with the visual outputs. With that, the produced generative arts offer another form of aesthetics in expression of the correlation between humans and machines to be appreciated.

Variants of Generative Arts with Different Human Movements
Source data: Face features information data collected with the FaceOSC software
Source data: Dancers' four limbs muscles data collected with the EMG sensor

Cellular Automata is a kind of generative art which consists of a regular grid of cells. Each of the cells can change from state to state over time. The next state of each cell depends on the current state of the cells as well as the states of neighbours which the cell states can be represented by colours.

Main Video
Documentation Video
Machine Dialect


Machine Dialect
