KaoMing -'s profileHui Kai Su's profile

微星科技 創作者系列 - MSI Modern Series

很高興能有機會再次為MSI 製作產品動畫,在空間上嘗試了幾種風格的搭配,也希望產品能夠得到好的迴響

I'm glad to have the great opportunity for MSI to design style frames. I try different styles and expect this product would receive big success.

Client | MSI 微星科技
Creative Director | 蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su
3D Monitors Film Design | 高明碩 MingShuo Kao
3D Monitors Film Animation | 蘇暉凱 Hui Kai Su

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微星科技 創作者系列 - MSI Modern Series

微星科技 創作者系列 - MSI Modern Series

MSI Modern Series motion graphics
