Rachel White 님의 프로필

Fruit Shocked- Sticker Project

When this client came to me and asked for new fun stickers to put on her lap top, I had no idea what I was going to do. It wasn't until I went to my sketch book. For those of you that have followed along on this journey with me, know that when my clients ask for new and fun ideas I need help from my sketch book to know where I am going. I like to hash it out. 

Along with other client work that I've done, this project left lots of wiggle room in my design. The overall goal was to create a sticker that could be printed on a 3x3 inch piece of paper and be able to go onto a water bottle, laptop, or on whatever the client wanted. Although a message wasn't required, I would say that the emotion of three different fruits being brought to life would a message in itself. 

Let's jump in to how I did this. 
On paper, my idea for these stickers started out to be a marshmallow being roasted and expressing the emotion that that would feel like. The eyes and mouth were a key element that would express the emotion on the faces of these inanimate objects and help them come to life. 

Now that I had this idea, the issue was turning my simple sketches into something that I was proud of and something that my client would love. Which brings us to the next step.
As you can see, there were a lots of different ways this simple design could have gone. But with the help of peer critique and different advice, my design came to life with the facial expressions, proof of movement, and the color to help define each fruit. 
The red rosy cheeks, the sweat dripping down, and the juice oozing out from the cut head. The stickers are complete. The client is pleased and ready to put these stickers on her laptop for the whole world to see and have a laugh. 

Get your stickers today ;)
Fruit Shocked- Sticker Project

Fruit Shocked- Sticker Project


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