Perfil de micol giorgetti

Fluity - the liquid society

Fluity - Undergraduate project degree final project

Typology: Digital Magazine on Instagram

Fluity is an editorial project that is conceived as an Instagram magazine with the aim to provoke young users and wake up youths’ minds using communication without any filters.In a community with so much to say, many issues are dedicated to those interested in topics such as cyberpsychology (behavior of users on the online network), identity, the world of social media, information and the power of words.

Fluity was born as thesis research on the liquid society explained by Bauman’s book in relation to identity in our contemporary world.
For the logo lead back the concept of fluid, liquid. While for the logotype are used noise lines that reflect the concept of identity distorted.
The contents of the magazine will be characterized by animations, illustrations or key words. the videos will be short  and I decided to use a voice over in order to create an engagement with users and a vocal association with fluity's identity. 
Fluity Experiment a section of the contents dedicated to social experiments accomplished with video interviews.
Fluity Reminder is a section characterized by illustrated images or famous quotes on issues of the digital society.
Check the Ig magazine here : 
Fluity - the liquid society
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Fluity - the liquid society

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