Gianluca Valletta's profile

xme xte xpe / A6 fanzine

xme xte xpe (literally 'for me, for you, for Pesaro') is an A6-format fanzine featuring stories and emotions of Pesaro's inhabitants. This work was made by seven different authors, for a total of 33 stories about anger (=yellow pages), nightmare (=white pages) and love (=pink pages).
The stories were told to us by the citizens themselves, in an anonymous way, filling a questionary that was given at the entrance of the art-in-residence.
Yes, this was the result of one-month art-in-residence, while me and the other authors worked focusing on the story and the place where it happened (Pesaro, of course).
This work also represent an attempt to track the most common emotions... We discoreved that Pesaro's shore is way too good for love!
here's my contribute
xme xte xpe / A6 fanzine